What Does an OPC Mission Entail in Construction Projects?

In the realm of construction, the role of an OPC (Ordonnancement, Pilotage, Coordination) mission is pivotal. Acting as a project coordinator, the OPC mission carries the essential responsibility of streamlining the construction phase for optimal outcomes. This includes the vital task of ensuring that project costs and timelines, pre-approved by the project owner, are diligently adhered to. 

The versatility of an OPC mission becomes evident, whether the project is structured with separate lots or managed by general contractors. Regardless of the project’s intricacies, a skilled scheduling and coordination engineer, integral to the OPC mission, excels in the art of managing various trades seamlessly at the project site. 

In essence, the OPC mission plays a critical role in construction projects by harmonizing processes, controlling costs, meeting deadlines, and facilitating the effective management of diverse stakeholders. 

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What justifies an OPC mission during a construction project


The OPC mission allows for managing this complexity by coordinating all the actors in the project and ensuring good communication between them.


The OPC mission allows for managing risks by anticipating potential problems, proposing adapted solutions, and ensuring the implementation of corrective measures in due time.


The OPC mission allows for optimizing the costs of the project by seeking the most efficient and economic solutions for each stage of the project while guaranteeing the quality of the deliverables.

The OPC has an important role as an intervener within the framework of a mission entrusted by a contracting authority, whose mission can include :

  • Preliminary studies
  • The studies of diagnosis
  • The sketch studies
  • Pre-project studies
  • The studies of the project
  • The assistance brought to the owner for the contracting of works
  • The execution studies or the examination of their conformity to the project. As well as the approval of those made by the economic operators in charge of the works
  • The direction of the execution of the works contracts
  • The scheduling, piloting, and coordination of the building site
  • The assistance brought to the owner during the operations of reception and during the period of guarantee of perfect completion

We also offer OPC training!

The Key Aspects of an OPC Mission

The OPC (Ordonnancement, Pilotage, Coordination) mission is a central role in construction projects, acting as the owner’s primary point of contact and a coordinator of all project activities. It involves managing relationships with various stakeholders and overseeing critical phases: 

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Preliminary Phase: Studies and Site Preparation

  •  Analyzing Contractual Documents: This phase involves a meticulous examination of contractual documents, including engagement agreements, market plans, technical specifications, and CCAP (Cahier des Clauses Administratives Particulières). The OPC assesses project-specific challenges and requirements, along with handling necessary administrative formalities for effective site preparation. 
  •  Task Analysis and Planning: During this stage, the coordinator breaks down tasks hierarchically by Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) levels and by lot. They organize task sequences and establish a critical path. Detailed schedules are developed for studies, supplies, and construction works, aligning with the chronological involvement of on-site contractors. The OPC’s planning must encompass all interface points to ensure smooth coordination among various companies. 

Phase of Site Management and Coordination

  • Harmonizing Trade and Service Provider Activities: The OPC’s role includes orchestrating the activities of different trades and service providers involved in the project. Site meetings are conducted to facilitate communication, and meeting reports are distributed. The coordinator continually adjusts the planning phases to align with the progress of each task, evaluating gaps between planned and actual progress. 
pilotage et coordination du chantier
réception des travaux et des ouvrages

Phase of Project Handover

Preparing for Work Completion: Before formal project handover, the OPC oversees activities such as preliminary site visits and operations known as “OPR” (Opérations Préalables à la Réception), along with organizing tests. The project handover, documented by the signing of a “PV” (Procès-Verbal), initiates the warranty period, during which the OPC continues to monitor trade activities. 


At MESLI CONSULTING, we pride ourselves on our expertise as a TPO. We have worked on many successful projects, ensuring that projects are delivered on time, on budget, and to the highest quality standards. We have a solid working methodology, based on our experience and expertise, that allows us to effectively manage our clients’ projects.


For all requests for personalized quotes, please contact us at +33 1 69 81 95 92 or send us your request for a quote or demonstration through our contact form.


administrations des contrats

OPC Mission

planification opérationnelle

Operational planning

gestion des interfaces

Interface management



gestion des risques projet

Project Risk Management

conduite du changement

Change management